Hello! I can't believe we are here. It began with me sharing positive stories as "DAMN GOOD NEWS" on my personal blog in 2013. Feeling inspired by the content, I took it a step further by performing random acts of kindness and leaving uplifting notes around the community. My goal for this project was to spread some "DAMN GOOD VIBES" (hence the peace and love in the logo). With so much chaos and turmoil in the world, it was clear that I needed to recruit more people. I encouraged others to join me in volunteering for various causes, and gave them t-shirts that said "DAMN GOOD HUMAN" as a thank you for donating their time.
When Ryan and I decided to expand our little family, I created a side-hustle teaching CPR, AED, and First Aid under the name "DAMN GOOD CPR." I am passionate about educating others on these life-saving skills and do not want to take away from the original positive vibes, so I now offer these classes free of charge.
Ryan Keys has been my driving force since day one. He works incredibly hard to support our family which allows me to remain deeply involved in the community and serving those in need. Although he is already committed to long hours at a full-time job, Ryan's dream has always been to run a cannabusiness. Recognizing all that he has sacrificed for me to chase my own passions and interests, I am thrilled to add Ryan as co-owner of the newest adventure - DAMN GOOD CANNABIS.
Ryan has a deep-rooted love for cultivating high-quality flower and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DAMN GOOD. He had several years of experience growing marijuana in other states, prior to the legalization in Minnesota. He has done countless hours of research and testing to find the best nutrient regimes and growing techniques for many different strains. Ryan is most interested in working with solventless extracts, but after obtaining the proper licensure, he plans to offer crop consultation, education, and cryo-cure services as well as his own THC products. There is so much more to come! Stay tuned.
Visit our blog for positive news stories and updates about DAMN GOOD. You can also book a private event at our venue or swing by to check out our store. Thank you for supporting local.
Have a DAMN GOOD day,
Jessie Keys